Vejibag is a healthy, eco-friendly alternative to plastic, for storing and preserving vegetables in the refrigerator. Stow all kinds of moisture-loving greens, carrots, celery, and greens to keep fresh and crisp for up to two weeks, by providing a humid environment that also breathes.
How to Use: Dampen Vejibag. Place freshly washed vegetables and greens inside. Re-dampen lightly as needed. Keep vegetables fresh and crisp in the fridge for up to two weeks...or longer!
Small Vejibag is perfect for meal prep or smaller items. A great choice for getting ahead on your meal planning for the week or for keeping your snacking vegetables fresh. Measures 7"X11".
Standard Vejibag is great for carrots, cucumbers, peppers, baby spinach or heads of lettuce. Measures 11”X12”.
Large Vejibag to keep kale, celery, zucchini, and leafy heads of lettuce or larger amounts of loose leady greens. Measures 11”X17”.
Extra Large Vejibag can fit several heads of lettuce, lots of kale, huge amounts of collards, tremendous amounts of beets. Mix and match your veggies in this bag or, like us 5 heads of romaine lettuce in the extra large and munch salads for the next couple weeks. Measures 14”X17".
100% US Made, reusable, washable, durable, lasts for years!
- FAQ -
1. I have spots and stains on my Vejibag what is causing this?
It is likely that you need to check the temperature in your fridge to ensure that it is cool enough. Most molds will not grow at temperatures below 39 degrees. For the best storage of most vegetables, temperatures just above 32 degrees are optimal. Many of our customers are surprised to learn that the area of the refrigerator where they are storing produce is warmer than they realized. If you have a thermometer, even just an outdoor thermometer, placing it in the space where you store your vegetables in the Vejibag will help diagnose any potential temperature issue. Keep in mind as well that over time, some staining is bound to occur with use as blemishes on your produce come into contact with your bag.*Here is a website we use frequently that specifies the ideal temperature and humidity conditions for storing fruits and vegetables:https://www.engineeringtoolbox.com/fruits-vegetables-storage-conditions-d_710.html
2. How can I remove spots and stains from my Vejibags?
We recommend soaking them in distilled vinegar and hot water and then laundering. For more stubborn spots and stains, you can soak the bags in a mixture of hydrogen peroxide and hot water or use your favorite oxygen bleach, before laundering the bags.
3. How do you keep Vejibags damp?
A spray bottle is a great way to refresh a Vejibag to prevent it from drying out. Alternatively, you can remove the contents of your Vejibag and use the tap again to dampen and then wring out your bag.
4. Can I keep different types of vegetables in my Vejibag?
Different types of produce can certainly be mixed in your Vejibags - many customers find that they prefer to keep certain items together depending on what is used more/less frequently. Personally, we prefer to keep our leafy greens, especially delicate loose salad greens in their own separate bag(s) so that we don't have to go weeding through for other bulkier items!
5. Can I put pre-cut vegetables in my Vejibag?
You can absolutely use your bags for cut, sliced or prepared produce. Some great uses include apple slices, baby carrots, cucumber slices, bell peppers, even leftover salad mix - as long as there is no dressing :) We have found that Vejibags lend themselves very well to "food prep" for salads in particular, allowing you to create your own custom plastic free versions of salad in a bag for the week ahead! Additionally, the ability to better store that other half of the apple or pepper slices greatly reduces food waste.
6. Do I need to wash produce before placing in in the Vejibag?
Whether or not you want to rinse the spinach first is up to you and you and we have customers who prefer to wash everything first before placing produce in Vejibags, as well as some who wash later right before use. If transferring from an already bagged product, we do recommend washing the veggies and removing any wilted leaves, shaking out excess water, and then placing the produce in the bag.